ANNOUNCEMENT: Draft Environmental Impact Statement Comment Period Closed 10/10
The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) combines review and anlysis of alternatives for the Winslow Subarea Plan update and the Comprehensive Plan periodic update. The DEIS was released for public review on 7/26/2024 with a 76-day comment period that closed at 4pm on 10/10/2024. During the comment period, a total of:
- 481 people attended 6 open houses
- 565 commenters submitted over 1,300 pages of comments
The DEIS studied three different alternatives for how we can accommodate growth as well as their effects on our community and natural environment. Public feedback received during the comment period and environmental impact information will inform the development of a preferred alternative.
Review and learn about the DEIS and view public comment from the Comprehensive Plan Update project website.
What is a Subarea Plan?
A Subarea plan sets land use and transportation policy within a specific geographic region of the community. It is similar to the City's Comprehensive Plan in breadths of topics included, but will be specific to the areas around Winslow Way, Island Village, the public schools, and surrounding residential areas. The current Winslow Subarea Plan includes sections on housing, open space and trails, public facilities, transportation, utilities, and capital facilities – most of which will be updated through this effort.
Why update the Winslow Subarea Plan now?
The Winslow Subarea Plan was first approved in 1998 and last updated in 2006. Many recommendations from the current plan were implemented, including land use policies, the Waterfront Park Plan and redevelopment, and the Winslow Way improvements. The current project to update the Winslow Subarea Plan will incorporate subsequent planning efforts including the Sustainable Transportation Plan, the Housing Action Plan, and the Climate Action Plan with additional land use and transportation policy recommendations in coordination with the 2024 update to the Comprehensive Plan.
What is the relationship between the Winslow Subarea Plan Update and the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update?
The Winslow Subarea Plan Update and Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update complement each other like two sides of a coin. Both plans must accommodate future growth and update city policies and accompanying regulations, but the Winslow Subarea Plan Update will lead the way by planning for the Winslow area first. The Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update will complete complementary planning for the areas outside of Winslow as well as island-wide issues. Public engagement activities between the two projects may be coordinated or independent as appropriate.
How can I be involved in shaping the Winslow Subarea Plan Update?
The City of Bainbridge Island is planning for the future of Winslow and we want YOU to be part of the plan. It's essential we hear from the community. Your voice matters.
Sign up to receive text or email notifications about the progress of the Winslow Subarea Plan.
Questions or Comments? Contact Jennifer Sutton, Senior Planner, 206-780-3772 or
How does the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Apply?
The Washington State SEPA applies to the update to the Winslow Subarea Plan. Inviting participation early in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process is key to identifying public issues, establishing communication lines, and facilitating public involvement. Early involvement and understanding of the public’s needs as the process proceeds can result in a more complete and accurate EIS and avoid later pitfalls and delays.
Scoping is the first step in the EIS process and is intended to narrow the focus of the EIS to just address probable significant environmental issues and to identify alternatives to be analyzed in the EIS. Scoping also provides notice to the public and other agencies that an EIS is being prepared and initiates their involvement in the process. The EIS Scoping comment period began in January, 2023 and closed on March 8, 2023. Comments submitted during the scoping process will be taken into consideration when determining the scope of a future EIS analysis. A summary of comments received and issues identified during the scoping period can be found under "Supporting Documents" at right.
Once alternatives are developed for the update to the Winslow Subarea Plan, the next step in the SEPA process will involve preparation of a Draft EIS, which will evaluate the environmental impacts of the each alternative.